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What is your small business search engine optimization (SEO) strategy?

What is your small business search engine

optimization (SEO) strategy? If you are like

the many small business owners, you may be

wondering how you can leverage the power of

social media and online marketing to get ahead.

in fact, only about 27 percent of small businesses

have a current SEO plan. When you combine

that, surprisingly low figure with fact that only

about 40 percent of marketers are using mobile

marketing tactics. It is easy to see how sound

search engine optimization practices could help

you get a leg up on the competition.

Small business owners are an incredibly

diverse group of people who know a lot about

their chosen fields. Slightly, less than half of all

small businesses have more than one owner.

Sixty percent of small business owners have

worked in their industry for more than 20 years.

That is a lot of total combined experience. These

owners are always looking for new ways to

connect to their customers and clients and grow

their businesses.

About 63 percent of small businesses

find that social media is a good way to increase

customer loyalty, and 27 percent plan to increase

their investment in social media. When it comes

to the impact of social media, 40 percent of small

businesses find it helpful for customer reviews.

30 percent find it useful for correcting problems

brought up by customers. 18 percent find that it

gives them a chance to defend against negative

publicity. Finally, only 5 percent feel that social

media has hurt their image more than helped. If

used correctly, it is clear that social media generally

has an overall positive effect on small businesses.

If your small business is one of the 52

percent that plan to increase their SEO budget, it

is important to make the most of your investment

by implementing a sound small business SEO

plan. You can do that with the assistance of an SEO

company with lots of experience in managing

successful small business SEO

Adapted from https://www.seo.com/

What is the relationship between the ideas In the last and the previous paragraphs? The last paragraph….

A. suggests ways to implement SEO plans successfully

B. recommends more investments on SEO campaigns

C. contradicts the potential benefits of having SEO plans

D. exemplifies strategies to manage SEO budget

E. compares several types of SEO campaigns


A. suggests ways to implement SEO plans successfully


Cari ide pokok dari paragraf yang dimaksud,

baru disimpulkan hubungan antara kedua paragraf tersebut.

Paragraf 3 => Berbagai manfaat sosial media

pada usaha kecil.

Paragraf 4 => Saran bagaimana

mengimplementasikan SEO plan dengan baik.

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