utbk snbt

The following sentence could be added to paragraph 6. This may seem like a large number, but it is really quite small when compared with the billion English speakers and billion of Mandarin Chinese speakers in today’s world. Where would it best fit into the paragraph?

The following sentence could be added to paragraph 6.

This may seem like a large number, but it

is really quite small when compared with

the billion English speakers and billion of

Mandarin Chinese speakers in today’s world.

Where would it best fit into the paragraph?

A. Before sentence A

B. Right after sentence A

C. After sentence B

D. After sentence C

E. It does not fit anywhere


C. After sentence B


Menyisipkan sebuah kalimat dalam satu

paragraf harus memperhatikan kesesuaian

ide-ide yang ada dalam paragraf tersebut.

Kalimat yang disisipkan harus sejalan dengan

kalimat sebelum dan sesudahnya. Kalimat

“This may seem like a large number, but it is

really quite small when compared with the

billion English speakers and billion of Mandarin

Chinese speakers in today’s world” -Ini mungkin

tampak seperti jumlah yang besar, tetapi

sebenarnya sangat kecil jika dibandingkan

dengan miliaran penutur bahasa Inggris

dan milliaran penutur bahasa Mandarin

di dunia saat ini. Secara logika kalimat

sebelumnya pasti membahas jumlah

penutur bahasa Esperanto (kalimat B).

Jadi, kalimat baru paling sesuai

untuk disisipkan setelah kalimat B.

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