The coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic is the defining global health crisis
The coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic is the
defining global health crisis of our time and the
greatest challenge we have faced since World
War Two. Since its emergence in Asia late last
year, the virus has spread to every continent
except Antarctica. Cases are rising daily in Africa
America, and Europe. Countries are racing to
slow the spread of the virus by testing and
treating patients, carrying out contact tracing.
limiting travel quarantining citizens, and
cancelling large gatherings such as sporting
events, concerts, and schools.
The pandemic is moving like a wave one
that may yet crash on those least able to cope.
But COVID-19 is much more than a health crisis. It
is affecting societies and economies at their core.
While the impact of the pandemic will vary from
country to country, it will most likely increase
poverty and inequalities at a global scale. By
stressing every one of the countries it touches,
it has the potential to create devastating social,
economic and political crises that will leave deep
scars. Dozens of the world’s greatest cities are
deserted as people stay indoors, either by choice
or by government order. Across the world,
shops, theatres, restaurants and bars are closing.
Every day, people are losing jobs and income,
with no way of knowing when normality will
return. Small island nations, heavily dependent
on tourism, have empty hotels and deserted
beaches. The International Labor Organization
estimates that 195 million jobs could be lost.
Assessing the impacts of the COVID-19
crisis on societies, economies and vulnerable
groups is fundamental to inform and tailor
the responses of governments and partners
to recover from the crisis and ensure that no
one is left behind in this effort. Without urgent
socio-economic responses, global suffering
will escalate, jeopardizing lives and livelihoods
for years to come. Immediate development
responses in this crisis must be undertaken with
an eye to the future.
How does paragraph 2 relate to paragraph 3?
A. Paragraph 3 elaborates the result of paragraph 2
B. Paragraph 3 propose possible solutions for the problems stated in paragraph 2
C. Paragraph 3 is the implementation of the problems mention in paragraph 2
D. Paragraph 3 strongly contradicts the issues mentioned in paragraph 2
E. Paragraph 3 is the result of the ideas mentioned in paragraph 2
B. Paragraph 3 propose possible solutions for the problems stated in paragraph 2
Langkah pertama adalah temukan ide
pokok dari paragraf 2 dan 3 dulu.
Paragraf 2 Permasalahan dan dampak
COVID-19 selain mengakibatkan krisis kesehatan.
juga krisis ekonomi, sosial, dan politik. Paragraf 3
solusi yang bisa dan harus dilakukan untuk mengatasi dampak pandemik.
Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa paragraf 3
menawarkan solusi yang dapat diambil
untuk masalah yang disebut di paragraf 2.