Television was once the newest technology in our homes, and then came videos and computers.
Television was once the newest technology in
our homes, and then came videos and computers.
Today’s children are growing up in a rapidly
changing digital age that is far different from their
parents. A variety of technologies are all around
our homes, offices, and schools. When used wisely,
technology and media can support learning and
relationships. Enjoyable and engaging shared
experiences that optimize the potential for
children’s learning and development can support
children’s relationships both with adults and their
Based on some evidence by research,
there has never been more important time to
apply principles of development and learning
when considering the use of cutting-edge
technologies of new media as the so-called
interactive media. Interactive media refers to
digital and analog materials, including software
programs, applications (apps), some children’s
television programming, e-books, the Internet,
and other forms of content designed to facilitate
active and creative use by young children and
to encourage social engagement with other
children and adults.
When the integration of technology and
interactive media in early childhood programs is
built upon solid developmental foundation, and
early childhood professionals are aware of both
the challenges and the opportunities, educators
are positioned to improve program quality by
intentionally leveraging the potential of technology
and media for the benefit of every child.
This statement provides guidance for early
childhood educators about the use of technology
and interactive media in ways that can optimize
opportunities for young children’s development.
In this statement, the definition of technology
tools encompasses a broad range of digital devices
such as computers, tablets, multi-touch screens,
Interactive whiteboards, mobile devices, cameras,
audio recorders, electronic toys, games, e-book
readers, and analog devices still being used such
as tape recorders, record and cassette players,
projectors, and microscopes.
By appropriately and intentionally using the
technology of his day-broadcast television- to
connect with each individual child and parents
and families, it is demonstrated the positive
potential of using technology and media in
ways that are grounded in principles of child
How does the second sentence relate to the first sentence in paragraph 2? The second sentence
A. shows the importance of interactive media to children’s lives
B. argues that interactive media include digital materials only
C. explains the definition and examples of interactive media
D. states that the children and adults nowadays are familiar with digital technology
E. shows that interactive media can support engagement with others
C. explains the definition and examples of interactive media
Perhatikan kalimat ke-1
Based on some evidence by research,
there has never been more important time to apply
principles of development and learning when
considering the use of cutting-edge technologies and
new media as the so-called interactive media
(Berdasarkan beberapa bukti penelitian, tidak pernah ada waktu
yang lebih penting lagi untuk menerapkan. prinsip pengembangan
dan pembelajaran ketika mempertimbangkan penggunaan
teknologi canggih dan media baru yang disebut sebagai media interaktif).
Kalimat ke-2
Interactive media refers to digital and analog materials,
including software programs, applications (apps),
some children’s television programming, e-books,
the Internet, and other forms of content designed to
facilitate active and creative use by young children and
to encourage social engagement with other children and
adults (Media interaktif merujuk pada bahan-bahan
digital dan analog, termasuk program perangkat lunak,
aplikasi, program TV untuk anak-anak, e-book,
internet dan bentuk lain dari bahan yang didesain
untuk memfasilitasi penggunaan secara aktif dan
kreatif oleh anak-anak dan untuk mendorong
hubungan sosial dengan anak-anak lain dan orang dewasa).
Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kalimat ke-2 =>
explain the definition and examples of interactive media
-menjelaskan definisi dan contoh dari media interaktif.